Hello, I’m Back

As you may have noticed, I haven’t posted on here in a long while. I took some time out of running this blog because I had my GCSEs to concentrate on alongside doing some really exciting stuff that I will get on to later. I’m back on this blog now and normal posting will resume next week so watch out.

After GCSE mega panic was over, I spent a load of time rehearsing with Dad for Is It All Back + White Festival which was held a few weekends back in Shoreditch in the beautiful St. Leonards Church. I had an absolutely brilliant time playing live as part of Winterlight and the experience of playing with a choir was really unusual and interesting. The whole festival was really good overall and it was really cool to see how a variety of musicians worked with a choir . There are a few videos on YouTube which are a bit too embarrassing to post on here but here are some really nice photos of Dad and I taken by Stevek Photography (website linked below).


I’m also really enjoying Teenage Fanclub who everyone told me I’d like for ages and I, in the way that only teenagers do, told them that they were talking rubbish. They were right and I was wrong! So I’m going to leave this post with one of my favorite songs of theirs which is the final song from Bandwagonesque, probably my most played Teenage Fanclub album.